Love the idea of smudging but opposed the scent of typical herbs like sage? Don’t worry - you’re not alone. And the idea that people like you are missing out on the cleansing and stress-reduction benefits of smudging just because of the smell of a few common herbs seems like such a shame! So, to get you over that little hurdle, I’ve created a list of (just a few) smudging alternatives for you to get started with! Palo Santo, the sacred aroma wood: Widely used for spiritual purification and energy (house) cleansings AND its smell has been known to enhance creativity! I fell in love with the aroma of palo santo from the moment I first inhaled its scent....
First of all, if you’re not entirely sure what the term smudging means, I suggest you head on over to my blog “Smudging for Millenials - what really is it?” I hear a lot of people steering away from smudging because they think it seems too difficult, too sacred or too religious - so I’m here to quell those fears and provide a really easy guide. Smudging is such an incredibly powerful way of cleansing yourself, your house or any other place - it would be a crying shame to see people miss out on this because of trivial misunderstandings! I’ve developed a simple step by step guide to help you through your first smudging session, so you can clear...
The benefits of smudging are real and scientific. Cleansing through smoke is incorporated in different forms in religious and spiritual practices around the world, and not for no reason.